ورق صنفرة الخشب

Sandpaper for Wood price

sandpaper for wood and other hard surfaces is a very important tool in repairing manufacturing defects, improving the shape of the surfaces, and preparing them for painting, which gives them a distinctive aesthetic appearance. It also contributes to increasing their marketing value and increasing their importance.  There are various companies specialized in manufacturing sandpaper, and…

ورق صنفرة الزجاج

Use Glass Sandpaper Effectively

Glass sanding is the process of smoothing the surface of the glass by scratching it using an abrasive material that removes defects stuck in the surface of the glass and smoothes its edges. Some types of sanding also contribute to shaping the glass, diversifying its designs, and preparing it for painting.  The process of sanding…

جماطة تلميع

Polishing compound

When it comes to taking care of different surfaces and maintaining their elegant and shiny appearance, the quality of compound tools becomes an indispensable priority, and the polishing grinder is one of the most important tools used to achieve professional results, whether in compound metal, wood, or even cars. Not only does it contribute to…

مقاسات ورق صنفرة الحوائط

Types and sizes of wall sandpaper

Wall sandpaper is considered one of the basic tools used in preparing and finishing surfaces and walls to complete the staining and painting process. The sandpaper works to make the wall even and have a smooth texture, which contributes to increasing the strength of the paint’s adhesion to the wall and gives it an attractive…

ورق صنفرة

Sand paper price in Egypt 2025

Sand paper, or what is called abrasive paper, is a paper used to polish various surfaces and make them smooth. It is made of materials such as chips that help scrape the surface of any impurities present on it. There are also many types of sandpaper, including the glass type, the wooden type, and the…

صنفرة الزجاج الأمامي للسيارة

Sanding windshield of car

With daily use of the car and under the influence of various environmental conditions, the glass of your car may be exposed to the accumulation of dust, dirt and sand, which may lead to scratches and fading that cause blurred or even no vision, which poses a threat to the safety of passengers. We offer…

اكبر شركات الصنفرة فى مصر

The largest sandpaper company in Egypt

Sanding is one of the essential and indispensable tools in many industries, as it contributes to preparing and improving surfaces to be ready for the various stages of manufacturing. With the increasing need for different types of sanding in the market. Blask is one of the best sandpaper company in Egypt, as it was able…

فرخ صنفرة دوكو

sanding paper sheet for car

In order to obtain an ideal finish for surfaces, whether in a car, furniture, paint, or carpentry, the Doco sanding pad is an indispensable tool, because it helps to smooth the surfaces in a distinctive way before the painting or polishing process. This type of sanding is distinguished by its ability to remove fine scratches…